Stefan Manegold wrote:
On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 09:27:31PM +0000, Martin Kersten wrote:
Update of /cvsroot/monetdb/MonetDB5/src/mal In directory
Modified Files: Log Message:, website documentation
is the new website built for the development trunk or from the release branch? Niels knows.
with the old website, it used to be the latter...
mal_instruction, protect against too many variables.
these were checked-in the development trunk, but the message sounds less like "new features" rather more like "bug fixes" --- aren't they also relevant for the release branch and a possible bugfix release? Well that's a philosophical question that will challenge us forever. Yes, it solves a potential bug in the stable. No, it is new behaviour, because I didn't expected large programs.
Also, some bug fixes may involve many areas and quite some time, it puts us in the position to ask this question on a more or less daily basis. My position would be that bugfixes relate to official bugreports, the rest is the 'normal' evolution. Bugfixes then should 'somehow' be propagated to the stable and made available thru nightly builds. A workable method is required, because people (starting with me) are definitely to forget to maintain two branches continously.