Stefan Manegold wrote:
On Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 04:01:00PM +0000, Martin Kersten wrote:
Update of /cvsroot/monetdb/MonetDB5/src/mal In directory
Modified Files: Log Message: Split the interpreter in two versions. A FAST and SLOW version. If there is no request for debugging or performance measurement outstanding, we can go the fast path. However, given the fact that at any time we may enter the debugger, a jump to the slow line is always possible. The code relies on compiler optimization to get rid of blocks with constant arguments. Unclear if all compilers are that smart.
All C-compilers (respetively their C preprocessors) are expected to respect C preprocessor directives (e.g., #if ... #endif), "even" with optimization disabled. Hence, why not use those compile-time conditionals instead "pseudo"-runtime conditionals with constant conditions? (Would also speed-up the compilation process...)
No. The point is that there should be two execution paths! If possible the fast path is executed until you issue e.g. a mdb.start(), mdb.setTrace(true),...or profiler.start() command, Then it falls back to the slow thread. The test for the compilers is to remove code fragments like if(0){ do some work} Or at least be fast on this switch. This avoids manual copying large pieces of code. Microbenchmarks have confirmed significant improvement.