the creation of the physical plan is data oblivious. There are no statistics or histograms that pathfinder will consult during compile time. That is why you can run the pathfinder compiler as stand alone process without actually having monet with data running on the back end. After that, at runtime monet will consult a number of properties to choose the physical execution algorithms (such as type of join etc.) but these are decisions made by the monet engine idepentandly of the data model (xml, relational, etc.)
what are these statistical guides based on data guides in monetdb.
And did monetdb stores these statistical guides(data guides).
And if yes where it stores it & how can we access it .
& does the physical algebra plan depend only on these statistical guides at compile time without actually running the query.
And what are children Histogram & Typed valued Histogram , & are these Histograms are stored & if yes how can we access it.
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