On 13-06-2008 13:32:42 -0700, Rt Ibmer wrote:
in each database dir in the dbfarm, there is a file (*.secret I think) that stores the secret, which is exactly the argument that merovingian passes to mserver5.
Thank you! That is what I've been trying to figure out.
And so it passes the value in the .secret file as the password that it should expect?
However I am not seeing any such .secret files in there. Here is what I have for the demo:
If you don't use `monetdb` to create a database, the file isn't created. I looked up what the file actually is called: ".vaultkey"
under dbfarm/demo there is just a bat and box dir.
There should be a ".vaultkey" file as well when created with `monetdb`. Merovingian uses that file.
I really don't care about using merovngian or not. I just need the db to start automatically at boot as a dameon.
If you don't care, from my point of view you're on your own.
Sorry I think you misunderstood. I do not mean that I don't care about your product. I mean that I am not committed to using merovangian and am fine not using it. But my understand is that if I want my db to start up at boot time and jdbc to access it then that is what I have to do?
My opinion is that you have to start merovingian at boot, as it is made exactly for doing what you want.
Here's all I'm trying to do:
1) create a db and schemas. I can do this successfully with mclient. 2) make monetdb start up at boot time and listen for connections using meroviangian. if there is another way please let me know. 3) use jdbc to access the db. I cannot do this because monetdb/monetdb gives an invalid credientials response using my jdbc as well as your jdbcclient.
I think you should switch 1) and 2). Do not manually start mserver5 yourself if you intend to use merovingian. Let monetdb and merovingian handle all interactions with the database server.
I am quite certain there is a bug here because if I use the RELEASE build than everything works great with regards to this!!! However I cannot use that build because of the other bugs I've reported which the latest nightly fixes - but then it introduces this problem.
Unfortunately I cannot wait a couple weeks until the release as by then I will be forced to go with mysql which is dog-slow compared to monetdb. Please help!! Thank you very much!!
Use the latest "nightly stable" sources (monetdb-install.sh --nightly=stable ...) and help us to resolve bugs by carefully describing your steps such that we can replay them. Thanks!