On 06-06-2006 07:28:22 +0200, Martin Kersten wrote:
Wat zijn de verbeteringen aan de API kant? {improvements on the API side}
I don't know about API changes in SQL. I think the XQuery people have. The only thing that comes close IMO is the change to have every language (mil, sql, xquery) work on the same port on the server: 50000.
PHP has been renovated completely, but doesn't work on Windows yet? JDBC issues? Authorization issues?
- PHP: new and improved, now without crashes! (PostgreSQL compatible) - JDBC: no changes (that I know of) - Authorisation: would like my patches to get into the M5 release, but I cannot figure out how to do some little things, hence upon restart of the server authorisation doesn't work any more.
Oftewel, wat is er wel te 'verkopen'? {IOW, what can we 'sell'}
Not much. Just bugfixes and improved stability for SQL. The focus is for the XQuery people to define their new features.