I see in the MonetDB.spec file this statement:

* Wed Jul 13 2011 Sjoerd Mullender <sjoerd@acm.org> - 11.3.5-20110720
- buildtools: We can now build RPMs on CentOS 6.0.  Since there is no geos library
  on CentOS, we do not support the geom modules there.

Does that mean that this won't work in CentOS 6.2?

On my build server, I had installed these:

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 11:24 AM, Sjoerd Mullender <sjoerd@monetdb.org> wrote:
On 2013-05-15 18:19, Casey Gum wrote:
> I need to build all of the RPMs for MonetDB.  I don't really have a
> choice in this - building from scratch on the machine it will be
> deployed on is (contractually) not an option in this case.
> I can build everything fine.  For instance, from source directory:
> *mkdir build; cd build*
> *../configure |strict=no assert=no debug=no optimize=||yes|*
> *make*
> *make install*
> *make rpm*
> On the machine I build on, I can go to mclient and execute something like:
> *sql>CREATE TABLE forests(id INT,name TEXT,shape MULTIPOLYGON);*
> *operation successful (20.620ms)*
> On the machine that I install RPMs on, I get this:
> *
> sql>CREATE TABLE forests(id INT,name TEXT,shape MULTIPOLYGON);
> 22000!type (multipolygon) unknown in: "create table forests(id int,name
> text,shape multipolygon)"
> *
> Anyone know how to get the RPMs to build with geospatial support??

You need to have the geos-devel package installed before starting the
build.  Take a look in the MonetDB.spec file and install everything that
is mentioned in BuildRequires lines.

And then, of course, you need to install the MonetDB-geom-MonetDB5 rpm.

Sjoerd Mullender

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