On 15-10-2007 09:29:29 +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
apparently, the new XPRCwrapper code fails to compile with java 1.4 (our RedHat 4 WS machine, titan, is the only testing machine that still has only java 1.4, all others have java 1.5); for details see below and/or http://monetdb.cwi.nl/testing/projects/monetdb/Stable/pathfinder/.ntv.64.64....
Question: Assuming that there is no easy way to make the new XRPC warpper code java 1.4 compliant: should we modify (tighten) our requirements accordingly, i.e., requiring (only) java 1.5 instead of (at least) java 1.4 to build MonetDB* (java 1.6 is not (yet?) supported)?
My analysis: JDBC needs 1.4<=java<~1.5 XRPCwrapper needs java>=1.5 due to usage of XML standard libraries introduced in Java 1.5 (See the API, which has @since.) Jennie's build file doesn't correctly state this dependency, but also the JDBC configure check is invalid for XRPCwrapper. JDBC can't use java>=1.6 (yet) because 1.6 introduced a new interface version of JDBC, v4, which backwards incompatible with the currently implemented interface v3. I once started on a branch to work around this a bit, but it is just a lot of work and I guess my code changes out of date by now given the code was fixed in some points.