(some of you might already have see this one coming; cf. http://www.cwi.nl/htbin/cwwwi/agenda?datum=2005_11+dag=09 ;-)) Dear all, given the success of the 1st MonetDB-Bug-Day on Oct 06 2005, 8 participants managed to check 347 of the then 721 bug reports, added 97 new test scripts, re-opened some bugs that still/again fail and filed 9 new bug reports; see https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8403629&forum_id=39803 for details, there will by a 2nd MonetDB-Bug-Day to (hopefully) check the remaining 347 bug reports (plus those filed since Oct 06 2005), and produce proper test scripts for our automatic Nightly Multi-Platform Regression Test System (aka "TestWeb"; cf. http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Development/TestWeb/): When: Wednesday, Nov 9, 2005, "all day" (or as much time as you can spent) Where: Mainly at CWI, but you're also welcome to join "virtually" working from home or any other place in the world; for those who (again) want to turn the Bug-Day into a Bug-"Party", I reserved our meeting room (C0,01) from 8:00 - 23:00 --- you need to bring your own "equipment" though ... Who: Primarily everyone who is in touch with MonetDB, and/or one of its companions/front ends (SQL, XQuery, etc.), has rights to check-in to the MonetDB CVS repository on SourceForge, and is reasonably familiar with "Mtest.py" (cf. http://monetdb.cwi.nl/monet/src/testing/README). What: I will prepare a list of all bugs that have no test script, yet, and chop this in chunks, and assign each chunk to one participant so that [s]he can check them, and prepare the respective test scripts. More detailed instructions can be found at https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8403629&forum_id=39803 and/or will follow before next Wednesday. Note: Though any help is appreciated, no one is "obliged" to help. Especially, there is no need to spent the whole day (though nine will complain if you do ;-)), anyone can join-in and leave whenever [s]he wants. For those of you participating at CWI, there will be free snacks and soft-drinks during the day (for the time you're "active"; as long as supplies lasts). Furthermore, there will be "real" drinks at the end of the Bug-Day (for participants, only; as long as supplies lasts; (maximum) amount per person will be proportional to the number of test scripts added). I hope to see especially (though not only) participants that I haven't seen on the 1st MonetDB-Bug-Day ;-) Once again thank you very much for your cooperation! CU next Wednesday, Stefan ps: Testing & the TestWeb are not (only?) my "toys"; it's "serious business", and helps all of you to (1) get a stable and reliable MonetDB, (2) monitor when your own bug reports get fixed, and (3) prevent the bugs you once thankfully detected, reported and/or fixed from occurring again! -- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |