On 22-06-2006 06:42:59 +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
our TestWeb gives us an "all green" for the release:
Hence, I strongly propose that we use the respective code base (tagged as "MonetDB_4-12-0", "SQL_2-12-0", "XQuery_0-12-0", respectively, in CVS) for the release. Any future changes should/will then go into the next (bug-fix?) release. I also saved last nights daily built packages to be used for the release. They're available at http://monetdb.cwi.nl/testing/projects/monetdb/Stable/.DailyBuilds.MonetDB_4...
There's one little show stopper for me, which is M5/SQL, which is not so green at all. I don't know where the fix will be. If it will be in M5 code, nothing has to change, but if the fix will be in SQL code, then I'd like to have that fix included in the release. It all depends on how quick this bug can be found, of course. I guess some assessment needs to be made with regard to this in the light of the M5 alpha release.