Dear MonetDB Devs, As a pre-xmas present, I wanted to update MonetDB site on - a site that has an ambition (and maybe a chance) to become a central information repository about FOSS projects and developers: Unfortunately, the code-analysis part of the site does not seem to like the 'sql' module, as it hangs during checking out its history: I contacted the Ohloh team, and it seems the error occurs at the following command: ~$ cvsnt -d checkout -D'2001/06/07 13:41:21Z' -A -d'monetdb' 'sql' cvs checkout: Updating monetdb ... cvs [checkout aborted]: invalid change text in /cvsroot/monetdb/sql/src/odbc/driver/Attic/statement_dump.c,v If you think being properly visible on Ohloh is worth it, perhaps this is something some local CVS expert could investigate ;) Otherwise, we can remove the 'sql' module and hope the other ones work properly. cheers, Marcin