- We decided that we would not do these kinds of extras. - Since Wouter just checked it in, there is no testweb coverage (yet). - Changing plans to now advertise Burkowski steps, means you also have to reconsider SOAP to be fair to others. A big "no-go" from me. We should freeze the sources, not add all kinds of things at the very last moment. Why are the sources not frozen yet? (Does this list also know the reason?) Many people are waiting for an updated snapshot of MonetDB. Why delay and delay and delay. If you want to have these options, just release more often. IMHO the releases take far too much human resources, and should be much more relaxed. If you haven't got it in front of you on the table, tested and all, then it's simply not in. Not every release must be an eye-opener for the world, people are just waiting on a new version which fixes all of their bugs. They are waiting since August 1, 2005. On 16-01-2006 23:44:31 +0100, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Dear developers,
I have one more issue (well, one to be discussed here ...) concening the upcoming release:
Shall we leave Wouters 'Burkowski Axis Steps' in and release right now, or shall we leave them for the next release with XQuery updates and SOAP?
Well, I guess, the first questions are to Wouter: - What the current state of the implementaion? Is it finished? Is it tested? Are there tests? How does it work? Is there a documentation?
In case we leave it in, shall we "advertize" it, or just release it "silently"?
Since the database schema has been changed to support the Burkowski Axis Steps, it requires re-shredding of documents, which we must document with the release. However, the schema has IMHO changed anyway since the last release (indices, etc.), hence, re-shredding is required, anyway. Moreover, the schema will change again with the update release ... Thus, this is not an issue here.
Thanks in advance,