which version of MonetDB are you using, and how did you install it --- if I recall correctly from previous mails, you did install using the monetdb_install.sh script, right, and hence use the super source tarball? But which version?
MonetDB-Mars-SuperBall-SR3.tar.bz2. I have the impression that something is wrong with the source tarball.
Further, a simple mclient -l mal --help (with a running mserver5) will reveal whether readline support (and hence \h) is indeed enabled in your build of MonetDB.
Do you mean 'mclient -l mal -H' ? Readline works as I mentioned:
However, readline functionality is present: Ctrl-p, Ctrl-n, Ctrl-a, Ctrl-e all work correctly.
And the history is also saved correctly: I can get to the commands of the last session with Ctrl-p.
Finally, do other \* commands work?
\q does. \d doesn't: $ mclient -l sql -d demo -H sql>\d MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 QUERY = \d ERROR = !unexpected symbol (\) more> I would like to re-build. Which one would you recommend: --nightly=target download and install a nightly snapshot of the stable or current branch, target must be 'stable' or 'current' --cvs checkout a CVS snapshot of the current branch Thanks Kambiz