-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 Stefan Manegold schreef:
Well, I only said that all available tests do work fine. I don't know the tests by hard, and hence cannot tell whether you scenario is (already) covered. In case you find it not working and file a bug report, a test will be added before the bug report is closed. We mght also consider adding a test even without bug report, once we have some spare time --- any help is more than aprechiated ;-)
From: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/SQL/Documentation/SQL_002fGIS.html (One thing that should get an update is the location of geom.sql) skinkie@nemesis /opt/osm/bin $ ./mclient -lsq sql>CREATE TABLE forests(id INT,name TEXT,shape MULTIPOLYGON); sql>CREATE TABLE buildings(id INT,name TEXT,location POINT,outline POLYGON); sql>INSERT INTO forests VALUES(109, 'Green Forest', more>'MULTIPOLYGON( ((28 26,28 0,84 0,84 42,28 26), (52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18)), ((59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18)))'); Rows affected 1 sql>INSERT INTO buildings VALUES(113, '123 Main Street', more>'POINT( 52 30 )', more>'POLYGON( ( 50 31, 54 31, 54 29, 50 29, 50 31) )'); Rows affected 1 sql>INSERT INTO buildings VALUES(114, '215 Main Street', more>'POINT( 64 33 )', more>'POLYGON( ( 66 34, 62 34, 62 32, 66 32, 66 34) )'); Rows affected 1 sql> sql>SELECT forests.name,buildings.name more>FROM forests,buildings more>WHERE forests.name = 'Green Forest' and more> Overlaps(forests.shape, buildings.outline) = true; !types multipolygon(0,0) (wkb) and geometry(0,0) (wkb) are not equal http://xen.bot.nu/mTests/ (output) Help is nice :) Please review all errors even if they 'matchup'. Stefan -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iEYEAREKAAYFAkg4qRgACgkQYH1+F2Rqwn3RGwCghaNao7Z5/pZyq7hf+LAO1dCs T1kAnRiZzTlP7z/ilRTWQgg7tPV6Itq9 =p9DG -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----