Martin Kersten wrote:
Update of /cvsroot/monetdb/MonetDB5/src/modules/mal/Tests In directory
Added Files: remote04.mal remote05.mal Log Message: Examples of poor-mans bat transport.
--- NEW FILE: remote04.mal --- #this example tests recieving tuple values as part of the #MAL interface.
b:bat[:oid,:int]:=mserver.receive(); [ 0@0, 1] [ 0@1, 2]
c:bat[:oid,:str]:=mserver.receive(); [ 0@0, "hello"] [ 0@1, "world"]
io.print(b); io.print(c);
--- NEW FILE: remote05.mal --- #this example tests recieving tuple values as part of the #MAL interface. # now in a remote setting
include remote; # for testweb, we need to ask the server itself how it is available, use # sabaoth for that include sabaoth;
h := sabaoth.getLocalConnectionHost(); p := sabaoth.getLocalConnectionPort();
# create a connecton to ourself remote.create("test", h, p, nil:str, "monetdb", "monetdb");
b:=,:str); bat.insert( 0@0, "hello"); bat.insert( 0@1, "world"); Shouldn't here be: bat.insert( b, 0@0, 1); bat.insert( b, 0@1, 2);
Because your remote site is expecting to receive b:bat[:oid,:int]:=mserver.receive(); Romulo
# store the values remote.send("test",b); c:= remote.query("test","io.print(b);") io.print(c); # shutdown remote.destroy("test");
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