Hi Jennie,


Thanks for your response. Please find responses in red:-


I appreciate your help.




-----Original Message-----
From: developers-list [mailto:developers-list-bounces+anu.srivastava=rms.com@monetdb.org] On Behalf Of Ying Zhang
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2015 1:18 PM
To: Communication channel for developers of the MonetDB suite.
Subject: Re: MonetDB causing disk space to fill up


Hello Anu,


First of all.  Thanks for trying MonetDB.


Normally, MonetDB tries to clean up things (e.g., remove/discard temporary files, process the Write-Ahead-Log files) at a regular time and/or if there  is some idle time.  In your case, it could be that the disk is filled before MonetDB got a sufficient chance to do the cleaning.  The WAL files can be large and takes some time to process.  Would you please provide us some more information, so that we can look further into your issue:


- which monetdb version? We have discovered several leaks in Oct2014, which are fixed in Jul2015 – I have installed package “MonetDB-11.19.15-20150603.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm” which I believe is Oct2014 version but I believe Jul2015 version is not available yet for CentOs at least I can’t find one.

- which OS? – CentOs 7

- disk size? available disk space? data size? – Since I am running it on Virutal Machine I have given it 50 GB disk space with around 38 GB still available. Data size is around 2 GB.


- what do your queries do? read-only queries? or read-only queries intertwined with updates? how exactly? – For now I am testing against 10 read-only, 9 of them are pure analytic queries which are returning only one row and one last query is returning around 1 million row. So I believe queries are not too crazy

- updates frequency? –N/A

- In your loop, I assume the same query set is repeated.  how many queries are there? – Total of 10 queries






> On Jul 08, 2015, at 00:15, Anu Raj Srivastava <Anu.Srivastava@rms.com> wrote:


> Hi,

> I have a bunch of test queries which I am testing against MonetDB. Queries all by itself run fine but if you run the same set of queries in a loop disk runs out of space. I am not sure why would memory map files won't clean up automatically and why do we have to start the server again to clean up these files? Is there a workaround to this problem or is this a known issue in MonetDB?

> Thanks,

> Anu

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