On 13-09-2008 07:36:19 +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
Is there anything im doing wrong ? I have the feeling there must be too many connections crashing the system .. coz after that i can't use mclient anymore, i have to restart the DB.
How many (sequential, not concurrent, right?) connections are we talking about, i.e., how many *.CDR files do you have?
How many rows do these *.CDR files hold in total?
Are all attributes of the cdrwholesaler table string attributes?
... "too many connections" *might* be the problem (though it should of course not) --- strange, though, that the merovingian log do not give any indication of whether, and if so why the server might have crashed ...
It can't, because the server didn't crash. It indicates it is still alive. Most probably the server is confused by the amount of inserts, I've seen this a few times before. Somewhere something gets stuck, making the mserver refuse to operate. A restart of the server solves it, as the original reporter also indicates. Note from the logs that the server "demo" had one crash in the past, though.