Niels and I more or less implemented this last weekend. An advantage of the system is that the SuSE machine appears not to have Ant, so the ever failing JDBC tests due to a misconfiguration there are over :) Autogen now knows a ant_<target> target, which calls ant with the given target. Like many autogen targets the ant_ target accepts a DIR property to set where to store the files during install. Because ant itself manages what files it needs, wants and produces, the FILES property of the ant_ target specifies which produced files in the build directory needs to be installed. On 09-12-2005 11:24:16 +0100, Stefan Manegold wrote:
sounds reaonable to me, hence, there's a green light from me ;-)
Currently, we simply skip compiling (and hence testing) JDBC, in case there is no java; hence, we should then check for ant only in case java was found, and if there is java, but no ant, we simply skip JDBC (preferably, configure should tell that it did not find java or ant ...)