Hello Developers, How can I insert record(s) between two rows of SQL table? For example, I have table with three column and there are some records in it: | column1 | column2 | column3 | ------------------------------- | 123 | asffasf | true | ------------------------------- | 432 | lkjlkhk | false | ------------------------------- | 555 | sadda | true | ------------------------------- | ... | ... | ... | ------------------------------- I need to add a new record (555, "asdas", false) between first and second record of the existing table. Result what I expect: | column1 | column2 | column3 | ------------------------------- | 123 | asffasf | true | ------------------------------- | 555 | asdas | false | ------------------------------- | 432 | lkjlkhk | false | ------------------------------- | 555 | sadda | true | ------------------------------- | ... | ... | ... | ------------------------------- -- Best regards, Sherzod mailto:shmutalov@gmail.com