On 17-01-2006 10:04:04 +0100, Stefan Manegold wrote:
(btw, a freeze on Friday Jan 13 would only have kept your latest JDBC changes out of the release ... ;-))
I already made my own assessment to that I just was too late. However, when I heard yesterday that nothing was frozen yet, and that it is most likely not to be frozen for another week or so, I took the freedom to lock redirection support into JDBC, as I can now use a stable JDBC driver to work with for instance a DBPoolv2 or M5. "Halcyon & on & on"
Agree (almost) completely.
The point/problem is, that somehow all of us want (in one way or an other) "perfect" releases, both from the users' and from the developers' point of view (some major contributions to "sell" is, all bugs fixed, better packaging, better/more documentation, better/simpler compilation, more/better testing, ...), and all only start thinking (and acting) about this, once release "plans" become more concrete, and that happens only shortly before a (planned) release....
maybe too many (contradicting?) optimization targets? maybe too many "cooks"???