[Monetdb-developers] suggestions on debugging/tracing

Hi, I am trying to investigate this bug (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=482468&aid=1905467&group_id=56967) which i submitted earlier. I was importing records with COPY TO a staging table in batches of 250K rows. Then copying them into final table. After completing 4,750,000 rows and importing a new batch thebelow exception occurs in GDKreallocmax at the last line of the snippetbelow: oldsize = GDK_MEM_BLKSIZE(s); with "s"=0x00000000100e0000" GDK_MEM_BLKSIZE macro tries to read 8 bytes prior to "s", which is 0x00000000100dfff8 and turns out to be unallocated. I am thinking the h->base of the heap is either free'ed at some point before being used or may be it is set to incorrect value? in any case i wanted to add some tracing to Heap to maintain some history of base change (and who did the change), so that when I hit another access violation during debugging I can use that to pinpoint why Heap base points to unallocated space. i wanted to see if anyone has already used something like that so that I can get a headstart quicker. if anyone have any suggestions on fixing it would be appreciated. Cheers.
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