[Monetdb-developers] Getting the correct jar files

Hello, I have got a problem with my attempt getting the correct JAR files to use the XML:DB driver as mentioned in this link: http://www.monetdb.nl/TechDocs/APIs/JDBC/node9.html In this article a location is specified they explain how to create the needed jar files. But I can't find the textfile ther refer to in this article. I downloaded a few binary and source but couldn't find the needed textfile. So what do I need to do getting this textfile? Berny

Hi, Thanks for your interest in MonetDB. On 18-07-2006 14:25:11 +0200, Berny Linnemann wrote:
Hello, I have got a problem with my attempt getting the correct JAR files to use the XML:DB driver as mentioned in this link: http://www.monetdb.nl/TechDocs/APIs/JDBC/node9.html In this article a location is specified they explain how to create the needed jar files. But I can't find the textfile ther refer
This location is in the CVS sources. If you downloaded the source tarball, you should be able to find it in "src/jdbc/lib/README" of the SQL sources. (Yes, sorry, it's in the SQL package.)
to in this article. I downloaded a few binary and source but couldn't find the needed textfile. So what do I need to do getting this textfile? Berny
You need the SQL sources, the file contains this message: In order to be able to compile the MonetDB XML:DB driver, this directory needs to contain the xmldb jar-file, which cannot be included here by default for license issues. In order to get the xmldb.jar file from the eXist project SF CVS server type: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@exist.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/exist co -r1.3 eXist-1.0/lib/core/xmldb.jar mv eXist-1.0/lib/core/xmldb.jar . rm -R eXist-1.0 (note, I just fixed the commands, these work) After done this (in the lib dir), run in the jdbc dir: % ant jar_xmldb to build the xmldb driver. It will be built as jars/monetdb-xmldb.jar. Let us know if problems persist.
participants (2)
Berny Linnemann
Fabian Groffen