Hello and thanks for MonetDB. Splendid stuff. Brilliant. I am trying to build a 32 bit version of 11.19.3 on Windows from the latest tarball. Root folder is R:\src\libraries\MonetDB-11.19.3. Building in R:\src\libraries\MonetDB-11.19.3\bin The build is failing at the point shown below. What have I missed here? The build folder is a sibling of /NT as indicated in the windowsbuild.rst ...? Many thanks for any pointers. Jerry. -------------------------snip-------------------------- copy ".\..\..\..\monetdb5\scheduler\run_isolate.mal" "run_isolate.mal" 1 file(s) copied. if not exist "tools" mkdir "tools" copy ".\..\..\monetdb5\tools\Makefile.msc" "tools\Makefile" 1 file(s) copied. cd "tools" && U:\vs2013\VC\BIN\nmake.exe /nologo DEBUG=1 "prefix=R:\src\ libraries\MonetDB-11.19.3\bin" "bits=32" all NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make '..\..\gdk\libbat.lib' Stop. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2' Stop. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2' Stop. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'U:\vs2013\VC\BIN\nmake.exe' : return code '0x2' Stop. R:\src\libraries\MonetDB-11.19.3\bin> -------------------------snip-------------------------- Platform details: Windows 7x64 using VS2013 pro x86 command shell. I've got a very simple script which sets up the correct include/lib paths and then invokes nmake thus: SET LIBOPENSSL=U:\pkg\OpenSSL\Win32 SET LIBICONV=U:\pkg\monet\iconv-1.9.2.win32 SET LIBZLIB=U:\pkg\monet\zlib-1.2.5 SET LIBXML2=U:\pkg\monet\libxml2-2.7.8.win32 SET LIBPCRE=U:\pkg\monet\pcre-7.0-bin SET INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;U:\pkg\monet\iconv-1.9.2.win32\include;U:\pkg\monet\pcre-7 .0-bin\include nmake /D -f ..\NT\makefile DEBUG=1 HAVE_OPENSSL=1 HAVE_SQL=1 HAVE_MONETDB5=1 all
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