We are Chinese users, and hoping Monetdb will support multi-byte character encodings like UTF-8 and GBK.
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When I start the default demo database (or a new created one) process on Windows XP, the following messaged appears in the command window :
# Serving databse 'demo', using 1 thread
Does it mean the whole database process is single-threaded?
The following section in the monetdb5.config file shows we can config multiple threads
# Mserver 5 recognizes a series of command line names instead:# --threads ( 1 | PARMASK)# --memory (MEMMASK )# --properties (CHECKMASK | PROPMASK | BATMASK )# --io (IOMASK | PERFMASK )# --transactions ( TMMASK | DELTAMASK | TEMMASK)# --modules (DLMASK | LOADMASK)# --algorithms (ALGOMASK | ESTIMASK)# --xproperties (XPROPMASK )# --performance (JOINPROPMASK | DEADBEEFMASK)
What does 'parmsk' mean, and how to config monetdb to use multiple threads?
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I have created a customed version of the MServer5.bat and MClient.bat to serve multiple databases.
MServer5.bat :
set MONETHOME=D:\Amber\Program\MonetDB\MonetDB5
if "%MONETDATAROOT%" == "" pauseif "%MONETDBNAME%" == "" pause
set MONETDBFARM=--dbfarm="%MONETDATAROOT%\dbfarm"set SQLLOGDIR=--set "sql_logdir=%MONETDATAROOT%\sql_logs"set XQUERYLOGDIR=--set "xquery_logdir=%MONETDATAROOT%\xquery_logs"
rem start the real server"%MONETHOME%\bin\mserver5.exe" --set "prefix=%MONETHOME%" --set "exec_prefix=%MONETHOME%" %MONETDBFARM% %SQLLOGDIR% --dbname=%MONETDBNAME% --dbinit="include sql;"
@set MONETHOME=D:\Amber\Program\MonetDB\MonetDB5
@set DBNAME=%1if "%DBNAME%" == "" pause
@rem extend the search path with our EXE and DLL folders@rem we depend on pthreadVCE.dll having been copied to the lib folder@set PATH=%MONETHOME%\bin;%MONETHOME%\lib;%MONETHOME%\lib\bin;%PATH%
@rem start the real client@"%MONETHOME%\bin\mclient.exe" -lsql -d %DBNAME%
@if ERRORLEVEL 1 pause
Using "MServer5.bat D:\MONETDB amber" I am able to start a new server process, ant it successfully created a new database in D:\MONETDB directory, but with the new server and default demo server process all running, I can't use mclient connect to the new database.
MClient5.bat amber
D:\>mclient.exe -E GB2312 -lsql -d amber!database 'amber' does not exist
But the demo database can be connected to, and the new database can be connected to only when I close the demo database process.
The netstat -a command shows there are two processes listening on port 50000.
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