I'm new to database work, and completely new to monetdb. I am attempting to
load data into a new monetdb setup for testing, to see if it may make sense
to migrate some genotyping datasets from postgres. I'm working in a
Virtualbox Debian 64bit VM with MonetDB v11.19.15 (Oct2014-SP4).
I've set up everything according to the MonetDB tutorial, and have had no
trouble creating test tables and inserting data with simple sql statements.
Beyond that though I need to use perl, and I'm having trouble with
DBD::monetdb and it's dependencies. The download from cpan either times out
or fails when working on dependencies MonetDB::CLI and
MonetDB::CLI::MapiPP. If I use the verbose flag it reports:
Test Summary Report
t/02cxn.t (Wstat: 28416 Tests: 15 Failed: 14)
Failed tests: 2-15
Non-zero exit status: 111
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 18 tests but ran 15.
t/75mil.t (Wstat: 28416 Tests: 15 Failed: 14)
Failed tests: 2-15
Non-zero exit status: 111
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 18 tests but ran 15.
When I skip these tests with a force install, and try to use the DBD in a
loading script, I encounter a similar problem. The perl debugger shows the
script getting stuck at my line of code attempting to connect to the
my $dbh =
{ PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1 } # turn on exception handling
If I step into the subroutine calls I can't pinpoint a failure but it is at
some point after a call to MonetDB::CLI::MapiPP
Am I missing something obvious? Is there something I can do to further
address the problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Bryan Ellerbrock