Hi Stefan,
If monetdb doesn't maintain any caching then when i am creating test1
which contain demo table which contain 100 million records.
When first time i am executing "SELECT SUM(V1) FROM DEMO;"
monetdb gives me result in (11.4s)
when immediate i am trying to execute same query "SELECT SUM(V1) FROM DEMO;"
It gives me result in (31.065ms)
How / why this happen?
I have also checked my OS memory cache and I have erased OS Memory cache.
Now, I am trying same query "SELECT SUM(V1) FROM DEMO;"
now also he take same time in milliseconds approximate(30.723ms)
why he first time take lot of time and every next time he take negligible
I hope you will clear my problem related of throughput time.
Swapnil K. Joshi
users-list mailing list
Is there monetdb maintain any SQL result cache.
If yes, then How and where is it maintain? and If no then how he will get
millions of rows result in millisecond.
My System configuration is as follow :
Hardware = Processor : Intel i7 2.3 GHz, RAM DDR3 8GB, HD 1 TB,
OS = Ubuntu 12.04
I am new in IT world and i am doing some research on Monetdb.
I have created my own user define function but it's result is not cached,
every time it is doing operation on data
and it take some in milli seconds.
Please tell me about monetdb cacheing policy
Can you give me some guide line?
Swapnil K. Joshi
users-list mailing list
i am trying to define user define function which has argument integer bat
and returning integer.
step 1:
i have added function defination in udf_80.sql as follow
create function xtest(one integer)
returns integer external name udf.xtest;
step 2:
i have added function defination in udf.mal
module udf;
command xtest(b:bat[:oid,:int]):int
address UDFBATxtest
comment "function xtest";
module batudf;
command xtest(b:bat[:oid,:int]):int
address UDFBATxtest
comment "function xtest";
step 3:
then i have define this function in udf.c file
UDFBATxtest_(int *ret, BAT *src)
UDFBATxtest(int *ires, bat *ione)
BAT *bone = NULL;
str msg = NULL;
/* assert calling sanity */
assert(ione != NULL);
/* bat-id -> BAT-descriptor */
if ((bone = BATdescriptor(*ione)) == NULL)
throw(MAL, "batudf.xtest", RUNTIME_OBJECT_MISSING);
/* do the work */
msg = UDFBATxtest_ ( ires, bone);
return msg;
step 4:
then i have compiled source code and installed it:
step 5:
i am try to execute xtest function on mclient but i got following error
sql>select xtest(id) from student;
TypeException:user.s23_1[16]:'udf.xtest' undefined in: _53:any :=
TypeException:user.s23_1[17]:'bat.insert' undefined in: _54:any :=
bat.insert(_45:bat[:oid,:int], _50:oid, _53:any)
program contains errors
step 6:
write a mail and sent to you for getting help i hope you will give me.
Swapnil K. Joshi
users-list mailing list
We're currently evaluating MonetDB for a analytical DW and so far we are
happy with the results.
I am trying to implement a grouping function that calculates a a value
over a set of strings, so that my queries would read like this:
select metric, *udf_aggregate*(string_column)
from table
group by metric;
for a bit of background, we're using a dinstinct value sketch called
and we're currently storing estimations for each time period (day). HLL
lets you merge/aggregate a set of estimations (each estimation is a
vector of numbers, we're currently storing it as a string) for an
arbitrary range, and still have an accurate estimation. (I'm sure the
literature doesn't call it estimations, sorry for my English)
what I would like is a custom UDF like the one provided in MonetDB src
(*reverse*)**but that would operate and behave like an aggregate function.
Right now, I'm not considering using it for types other than /string/
(no need for polymorphic right now).
Is this possible with an UDF? I found a way of registering aggregate
functions on the mailing list, but the HLL is complex enough to warrant
its own C impl, instead of a MAL function.
users-list mailing list
Hello everyone!
This is my second posting to this list and identical to the first because I am not sure if I was subscribed at the time. Please ignore if you have read this before.
My apologies if this has been discussed elsewhere but a google search did not give me much. Let me give you a bit of background. We are planning to use a star schema in MonetDB as the backend for Pentaho BI reporting engine. We have a total of 2.4 B rows in the fact table and a maximum of 10 M rows in the dimension table. As you can see, this will be a read only database once the initial load is done.
I was wondering what hardware architecture will give a reasonable performance over traditional BI queries. Let's define reasonable here by less than 1 minute turn-around time on joins between the fact table and the dimension table. On that note, what will be the expected performance on a machine with specs identical to the Amazon High I/O instance type which has two solid state drives - http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/. I will of course combine the two drives in a software raid-0 configuration.
My broader question is that columnar databases are typically optimized for hard drives to utilize the maximum possible disk transfer rate,; what advantages can a solid state drive offer over a traditional hard drive when used solely for MonetDB? I can imagine some advantages maybe in the swap-ins for VM pages but I am not really an expert. Also, some advantages in multi-threaded disk reads.
users-list mailing list
We're running the Oct2012-SP1 release on Ubuntu 12.04.1. It's working
great, but we need to constrain its RAM usage because it's not the only
process running on its machine.
>From the mailing list archives, it looks like ulimit is the recommended way
of doing this, but we haven't been able to get it to do what we want.
Specifically, we've tried:
ulimit -Sm (max resident set size)
ulimit -Sv (max virtual memory)
Limiting the resident set size doesn't seem to have an effect - the
mserver5 process's resident size seems to grow freely.
Limiting the virtual memory does in fact manage to keep mserver5 from
consuming more than the allocated amount, however when mserver5 hits the
limit, it just crashes (which is what I would have expected based on this
document <http://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/UserGuide/resources>).
Our next step is to look at Linux Containers <http://lxc.sourceforge.net/>,
but before going that route I figured I'd check and see how other folks
have handled this.
Thanks in advance,
Percy Wegmann
+1 512 637 8500 ext 148
users-list mailing list
"NULLS LAST" seems to be part of the SQL 99 standardbut is not
implemented in Monetdb.
Do you think it couldbe implemented in Monetdb? Can I fill a bug?Can I
help you in some way?
The syntax is as follows:
In different DBs, the sorting of nulls relative to other values is
handled differently.
PostgreSQL - Nulls are considered HIGHER than non-nulls.
DB2 - Higher
Oracle - Higher
MySQL - Lower
Monetdb - Lower
*Matthieu Guamis*
*Logo Axège <http://www.axege.com/>* /Axège//
22 bis, rue des Chazots
63170 Aubière/
Tél: +33 (0)4 63 05 95 40
Fax: +33 (0)
Email: matthieu.guamis(a)axege.com <mailto:matthieu.guamis@axege.com>
users-list mailing list
Hi I had monetdb setup working for few months and recently, all of a
sudden the database would not start any more. I have tried everything I
could find in the docs:
checking permissons reinstalling the packages, deleting and recreating the
databases, Farm,, etc...
Now I can't even start an new empty database. Here is the erro I get in the
2012-11-22 08:31:08 MSG control[15663]: (local): served status list
2012-11-22 08:31:08 MSG merovingian[15663]: startup of database under
maintenance 'sapo' forced
2012-11-22 08:31:08 MSG merovingian[15663]: starting database 'sapo', up
min/avg/max: 0s/0s/0s, crash average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0-0=0)
2012-11-22 08:31:08 MSG sapo[16066]: arguments: /usr/bin/mserver5 --set
SAP_farm --dbname=sapo --set merovingian_uri=mapi:monetdb://
bon051.cloud.fgv.br:50000/sapo --set mapi_open=false --set mapi_port=0
--set mapi_usock=/Ldisco1/Monet_dbs/SAP_farm/sapo/.mapi.sock --set
monet_vault_key=/Ldisco1/Monet_dbs/SAP_farm/sapo/.vaultkey --set
gdk_nr_threads=16 --set max_clients=64 --set sql_optimizer=default_pipe
--set monet_daemon=yes
2012-11-22 08:31:08 MSG merovingian[15663]: database 'sapo' (16066) has
exited with exit status 127
2012-11-22 08:31:08 ERR control[15663]: (local): failed to fork mserver:
database 'sapo' appears to shut itself down after starting, check
monetdbd's logfile for possible hints
Any ideas why this problem may be happening? I have another Ubuntu64
machine with the same versions of monet and it works normally. I must be
overlooking some detail of configuration. It may be a good Idea to add a
FAQ to the docs with possible causes for well known crashes.
I am on an Ubuntu 64 bits with latest MOnetdb:
$ uname -a
Linux bon051.cloud.fgv.br 3.2.0-26-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 14
17:49:24 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
administrador@bon051:~$ monetdb -v
MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.0 (Oct2012-SP1)
administrador@bon051:~$ monetdbd -v
MonetDB Database Server v1.6 (Oct2012-SP1)
Flávio Codeço Coelho
+55(21) 3799-5567
Escola de Matemática Aplicada
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Praia de Botafogo, 190 sala 312
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
users-list mailing list
We have been testing MonetDB for use in AWS in the last couple of weeks and
we are surprised with its overall performance, even when dealing with large
tables and under-powered machines. Still, we were wondering if its possible
in anyway to improve the performance by distributing the databases/tables
through several machines. While looking at MonetDB documentation and the
mailing list archives, I get some mixed answers about this topic and
nothing very concrete.
We noticed that it's possible to create a cluster of MonetDB instances, but
it seems that it's main purpose is to ease the administration of several
MonetDB instances and provide a single entrance point to several MonetDB
instances. Still, we still have some questions about its use:
Is it possible to partition a table across several MonetDB instances in
order to improve the performance?
Best regards,
Pedro Salgueiro
users-list mailing list