I've been able to isolate the seg-fault in gdb, but am not sure how to proceed. Should I file a bug report? There is a NULL pointer access in q_enqueue_(). The q data pointer is NULL. If I look at the flow inside the flow event d, I see the error: "SQLException:sql.bind:unable to find sys.loan201508(purpose)", so it looks like the root cause is higher up/elsewhere.
(gdb) where
#0 0x00002b39b92fbb2f in q_enqueue_ (q=0x1c0089e0, d=0x1c095b78) at mal_dataflow.c:156
#1 0x00002b39b92fbbbc in q_enqueue (q=0x1c0089e0, d=0x1c095b78) at mal_dataflow.c:164
#2 0x00002b39b92fdd88 in DFLOWscheduler (flow=0x1c094260, w=0x2b39b96a8e40) at mal_dataflow.c:709
#3 0x00002b39b92fe696 in runMALdataflow (cntxt=0x2b39be9b6328, mb=0x1bf02bd0, startpc=1, stoppc=399, stk=0x1c08b7d0) at mal_dataflow.c:892
#4 0x00002b39b93cad1c in MALstartDataflow (cntxt=0x2b39be9b6328, mb=0x1bf02bd0, stk=0x1c08b7d0, pci=0x1c056ac0) at language.c:147
#5 0x00002b39b92f9077 in runMALsequence (cntxt=0x2b39be9b6328, mb=0x1bf02bd0, startpc=1, stoppc=402, stk=0x1c08b7d0, env=0x1be28a30, pcicaller=0x1c08b710)
at mal_interpreter.c:631
#6 0x00002b39b92f9418 in runMALsequence (cntxt=0x2b39be9b6328, mb=0x1bda6560, startpc=1, stoppc=0, stk=0x1be28a30, env=0x1be28a30, pcicaller=0x0)
at mal_interpreter.c:743
#7 0x00002b39b92f824c in runMAL (cntxt=0x2b39be9b6328, mb=0x1bda6560, mbcaller=0x0, env=0x1be28a30) at mal_interpreter.c:365
#8 0x00002b39b9318b63 in MALengine (c=0x2b39be9b6328) at mal_session.c:637
#9 0x00002b39b9316ebd in runPhase (c=0x2b39be9b6328, phase=4) at mal_scenario.c:515
#10 0x00002b39b931707b in runScenarioBody (c=0x2b39be9b6328) at mal_scenario.c:559
#11 0x00002b39b9317164 in runScenario (c=0x2b39be9b6328) at mal_scenario.c:579
#12 0x00002b39b9317f74 in MSserveClient (dummy=0x2b39be9b6328) at mal_session.c:439
#13 0x00002b39b9317b8b in MSscheduleClient (command=0x1be20190 "p\001\342\033", challenge=0x2b39c017b0c0 "GJMKUZJ4", fin=0x1a3fdf90, fout=0x1bda6a50)
at mal_session.c:319
#14 0x00002b39b93d0464 in doChallenge (data=0x1bd88880) at mal_mapi.c:184
#15 0x00002b39b9b4697b in thread_starter (arg=0x1a3fdf60) at gdk_system.c:458
#16 0x00002b39bb03683d in start_thread () from /lib64/
#17 0x000000330ded4fdd in clone () from /lib64/
(gdb) down
#0 0x00002b39b92fbb2f in q_enqueue_ (q=0x1c0089e0, d=0x1c095b78) at mal_dataflow.c:156
156 q->data[q->last++] = d;
(gdb) p *q
$17 = {
size = 0,
last = 0,
exitcount = 0,
data = 0x0,
l = {
lock = 1
s = {
sema = {
__size = '\000' <repeats 31 times>,
__align = 0
name = 0x0
(gdb) p d
$18 = (FlowEvent) 0x1c095b78
(gdb) p *d
$19 = {
flow = 0x1c094260,
pc = 55,
blocks = 0,
state = 1,
clk = 0,
cost = -1,
hotclaim = 0,
argclaim = 0
(gdb) p *d->flow
$20 = {
cntxt = 0x2b39be9b6328,
mb = 0x1bf02bd0,
stk = 0x1c08b7d0,
start = 2,
stop = 399,
status = 0x1c094fe0,
error = 0x2b39cc00edc0 "SQLException:sql.bind:unable to find sys.loan201508(purpose)",
nodes = 0x1c09a750,
edges = 0x1c09c480,
flowlock = {
lock = 1
done = 0x1c0942d0