Hi all,
I am currently extending the NodeJS connector for MonetDB, that
communicates with the mserver process using Mapi. However, I face some
unexpected behavior when I insert timestamptz values into a table and
then retrieve it. This is the Mapi:
TX: sCREATE TABLE bar (a timestamptz);
RX: &3
TX: sINSERT INTO bar VALUES ('2015-10-29 11:31:35.000000+01:00');
RX: &2 1 -1
RX: &1 0 1 1 1
% sys.bar # table_name
% a # name
% timestamptz # type
% 32 # length
[ 2015-10-29 10:31:35.000000+00:00 ]
As you can see, inserting the timestamptz string '2015-10-29
11:31:35.000000+01:00', results in it being stored as its equivalent
'2015-10-29 10:31:35.000000+00:00'. If I do the same with mclient, this
does not happen, and I get the exact same string back. Does anyone know
why this might be happening?