Hello, i am a new user of MonetDB and want to share my problems and solutions with you. I try'ed to compile the source code version on Windows and run in a problem: the comiler give out an error: can not convert from pthread_t to int ...... After study some source code, and read the history of changes in the pthread distro, i read about changing this structure. I downloaded older versions of the Pthread lib, and finally: it compiles well. But only with pthreads-2004-06-22.exe or older, all newer version give the above error. From the Pthreads news "SNAPSHOT 2004-11-03 ------------------- DLLs produced from this snapshot cannot be used with older applications without recompiling the application, due to a change to pthread_t to provide unique POSIX thread IDs." i guess, this is the reason. You should make a hint in the HowToStart-Win32.txt to this, so that other users dont have the same problem. This problem occors on Win2000 and WinXP, with the the release and the CVS code. Do you have plans to change the code the new pthread_t structure, so that newer versions of the PThread distro can be used? Best regards, Michael Schmid