De: "Martin Kersten"
Envoyé: Mercredi 29 Octobre 2014 15:08:06
Objet: Re: detect fragmented tables
On 29/10/14 15:00, Pierre-Adrien Coustillas wrote:
> thank you for your reply.
> I understand that in the storagemodel table (), the
heapsize column shows the maximum size that can be used.
The actual footprint for a given table (e.g. schemas) is:
select sum(columnsize) + sum(heapsize)+ sum(hashes) +
sum(imprints) from storage where "table" = 'schemas';
> This size may also be obtained by multiplying the table
storage columns "count" and "typewitdh"
> This size should not logically be exceeded.
> To detect fragmented columns do you think of this request
> select
as mega,heapsize/(count*typewidth) as
taux,heapsize,count*typewidth as heapsize_max FROM
WHERE heapsize > count*typewidth AND heapsize >
100000 AND typewidth>0
> AND count >0 ORDER BY taux ;
> The bottom lines are the fields to be defragmented
> Example with my database:
> | src__at__tra__visites_agregees | idvisite
| varchar | 47178937 | 1 | 188715748 | 321 |
7 | 335609856 | 47178937 |
> | src__at__tra__visites_thomas | idvisiteur
| varchar | 6310678 | 19 | 25242712 | 902 |
7 | 943718400 | 119902882 |
> | test_integrite_tra | idvisite
| varchar | 19681703 | 2 | 78726812 | 266 |
7 | 278921216 | 39363406 |
> | src__at__tra__visites | idvisite
| varchar | 23134243 | 2 | 92536972 | 316 |
7 | 331350016 | 46268486 |
> | src_inbox__at__tra__visites | idvisite
| varchar | 22812014 | 2 | 91248056 | 310 |
7 | 324337664 | 45624028 |
> | src__at__lm__visites | idvisite
| varchar | 331519688 | 1 | 1326078752 | 3513 |
11 | 3673489408 | 331519688 |
> | test_integrite | idvisite
| varchar | 394962662 | 1 | 3159701296 | 4200 |
11 | 4392091648 | 394962662 |
> | sc_septembre | idvisiteur
| varchar | 24155689 | 19 | 193245512 | 7224 |
16 | 7553548288 | 458958091 |
> | sc_aout | idvisiteur
| varchar | 29586396 | 19 | 236691168 | 14449 |
26 | 15107031040 | 562141524 |
> | src__at__tra__visites_thomas | idvisite
| varchar | 6310678 | 2 | 25242712 | 402 |
33 | 420675584 | 12621356 |
> Pierre
> --
> 1G6
> 52 route de bischwiller
> 67300 Schiltigheim
> Société de Services et de Formations en Logiciels Libres
> Tél : 06 64 63 70 35
> *De: *"Martin Kersten"
> *À: *
> *Envoyé: *Vendredi 24 Octobre 2014 14:59:36
> *Objet: *Re: detect fragmented tables
> On 24/10/14 10:37, Pierre-Adrien Coustillas wrote:
> > Hello
> Hi
> >
> > Before working with optimizer, Stethoscope and
Tomograph, first I have to defragment the fragmented tables.
> > How to detect fragmented tables?
> The heap size is larger then the expected count would
> > Write a script that reads heapsize column?
> The storagemodel could give you hints on expected sizes.
> >
> > select *, (heapsize / 1021/1024/1024) as giga from heapsize ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 20;
> > What do you think?
> select *, (heapsize / 1021/1024/1024) as giga from order by heapsize desc limit 20;
> >
> > or a more specific sql query by reading the column
"count", "typewidth", "ColumnSize" and "heapsize"?
> >
> regards, Martin
> > thank
> >
> > Pierre
> >
> > --
> > 1G6
> > 52 route de bischwiller
> > 67300 Schiltigheim
> > Société de Services et de Formations en Logiciels
> >
> > Tél : 06 64 63 70 35
> >
> >
> >
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