18 Aug
18 Aug
5:40 p.m.
Dear Stefan mailto:users-list%40monetdb.org?Subject=Re:%20Re%3A%20failed%20to%20import%20record%20too%20long%3A%20Loading%201.5%20Terabyte%20table&In-Reply-To=%3C638412639.7722845.1503059978768.JavaMail.zimbra%40cwi.nl%3E, Thank you very much for your quick reply, so this is the first line of the file "lineitem.tbl", so no need to use an offset I think 1|310378689|15378705|1|17|29786.89|0.04|0.02|N|O|1996-03-13|1996-02-12|1996-03-22|DELIVER IN PERSON|TRUCK|egular courts above the| as for the version, I am using: MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.1 (Dec2016-SP5). So can this may be the cause of the error... an old version? I am looking forward hearing from you, Best regards, Mahmoud Mohsen