Hi, I'm having a problem with my program and monetsqldb. I have a script that loads files with datasets into the database. Every dataset is loaded with a (large) number of insert statements in a single transaction (al records are inserted into the same table) My problem is that this doesn't work, the first 50 to 60 thousand inserts go well, after which the next insert statement fails. I'm using a python script to do that, and sadly enough the failure reason is empty (that is RuntimeError is raised with None as the mesage). I dont' get an exception when I redo the failed insert in the interactive console, Another datapoint: most of the time the monet server crashes, either at the same time as or shortly after the failing insert statement. Crashing as in giving a segmentation fault. The database schema is rather trivial: a single table with about 8 columns, one of which is a BLOB of 10 to 50 KBytes, and another field that is an autoincrement field. There is a a second table to keep track of which datasets have been loaded. BTW. The transaction seems to be a red herring, I also get failures when each insert is done in its own transaction. Does anyone have a clue as to what might be wrong here? Ronald