Opes, I see. I’m sorry. Then LIMIT 1 is not what you need. MonetDB doesn’t have anything directly assemble TOP 1. Your use case sounds a bit similar to another use case on the mailing list, about computing the OHLC chart. It’s a bit too late to think of the exact query, but how about using PARTION BY, then ROWNUMBER, en select the row with number 0 (or is 1 the starting value?)?
On Jul 16, 2015, at 00:27 , Anthony Damico
wrote: hi Jennie, thanks for spending time on this! won't LIMIT only give one record? i need one record per event.. so i think the "insert into" command would need to be repeatedly called until every single event got stored (which would take forever)? sorry if i'm missing something
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 6:20 PM, Ying Zhang
wrote: Maybe I’m thinking in a too simple way, but if you store the intermediate results in a table, you can use LIMIT 1: CREATE TABLE t1 (svcmon int); -- assume svcmon is an INT insert into t1 SELECT svcmon FROM person_table AS z WHERE a.yr = z.yr AND a.person_id = z.person_id ORDER BY abs( z.svcmon - a.svcmon ) LIMIT 1;
Using TEMP TABLE might give you a bit speed up, but then you need to put them in one transaction.
On Jun 13, 2015, at 07:47 , Anthony Damico
wrote: any ideas on this? thanks!
On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 7:39 AM, Anthony Damico
wrote: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30641876/monetdb-sql-method-to-locate-or... i'm thinking i can do this with some costly self-join, but i'd appreciate any other eyes on the problem
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