The MonetDB team at CWI/MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Nov2009-SP1 bug fix release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information on this release will be available at http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Development/Releases/Nov2009/. Fixes include: - The Windows installers for MonetDB/SQL in the Nov2009 release were incomplete. The missing files have been added. - Fixed performance issue with loading complex schemas in readonly mode in MonetDB/SQL. - Fixed performance issue with grouping in MonetDB/SQL when one of the columns is sorted. - Fixed problems with LIKE joins in MonetDB/SQL. - Load all files in a multi-file COPY INTO query. - Fix error reporting of unexpected input in XQuery queries to be Unicode aware. - Correctly handle circular dependencies in FD property check. (SF bug #2908615.) - Fixes throughout the code base to better cope with unexpected situations (such as memory shortage). -- Sjoerd Mullender