Hi Diethard,

too me, this looks as if the server (correctly) serializes the TINYINT (MonetDB internal type bte) into a string to ship it via MAPI, but then the client (JDBC driver or Squirrel??) (incorrectly) does not parse the receives string as TINYINY (single-byte integer), but rather simply interprets the first character of the received string as single-byte integer, thus '1' becomes 49, i.e., the ASCII code of '1'.

Could you please file a bug report to keep us reminded that we need to investigate and (if it's indeed the JDBC driver) fix it.


Diethard Steiner <diethard.steiner@gmail.com> wrote:

I am wondering why TINYINT values are displayed with different values in 3rd party SQL clients like Squirrel (please see attached screenshot): So 1 is shown as 49 in example. I used following JDBC driver version: monetdb-jdbc-2.8.jar
Any ideas?


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