Alright, I have made several mistakes:

- First, the tutorial is wrong, the docs should be written as: <doc path="" name="" />
- Second, the filename should not be longer than 9 letters (that worked in my case)

Thanks for your help

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Alexander Koglin <> wrote:
I have currently installed a version of MonetDB XQuery for Linux and want to bulkload data like this:

For that purpose, I used the following command inside the Client:
for $d in doc("/monetdbfiles.xml")//doc
  pf:add-doc(fn:concat($d/@path,$d/@name), fn:string($d/@name), "abap10k", 0)
It references the following, definitely existing XML file:
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CCDEF">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CCIMP">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CCMAC">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CI">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CM001">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CM002">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CM003">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CM004">
<doc path="/home/epic/tarari_svn/benchmarks/abap/ABAP/" name="ACL_AUNIT_RESULT==============CM005">
But unfortunately an error is thrown (I also tried it unter Windows and it was the same):
MAPI  = root@localhost:50000
QUERY = for $d in doc("/monetdbfiles.xml")//doc
ERROR = !ERROR: err:FODC0002, Error retrieving resource (no such document "/monetdbfiles.xml").
What could be the reason for that?