Maybe a "stupid" question, but I've seen this too often (and "hit" it myself): are you sure that you have the same environment settings for both and monetdb(d) indeed call the same mserver5 as you call by hand? Note also, that the autoload SQL scripts are only run with the first start of a server on a new virgin DB --- but that seems to be the case in your case ... Maybe try to explicitly start the server using `monetdb start dbname` before connecting with mclient ...? Stefan ----- On Sep 5, 2017, at 11:37 AM, Lefteris lsidir@gmail.com wrote:
thanx panos,
but the question here is not where the messages are, but that these scripts seems not to have any effect.
for example the 80_statistics.sql script is suppose to create a sys.statistics table, but this table is nowhere to be found, or at least I can not find it.
On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Panagiotis Koutsourakis
wrote: Hey Lefteris,
The messages should be in the merovingian.log file inside the dbfarm. As far as I know, mserver stdout and stderr, get written in that file, if you use monetdbd, although this logging is far from perfect.
Lefteris @ 2017-09-04 15:15 GMT:
After playing around with some udfs and such, it seems to me that the autoload feature of the scripts in directory MonetDB/sql/scripts only run if I start monetdb with the following command
mserver5 --dbpath=...
and then when I connect with mclient all these messages about loading the scripts appear at the mserver5 console.
However, if I create a dbfarm with
monetdbd create path/ monetdbd start path/
and then a database
monetdb create dbname monetdb release dbname
and connect with
mclient -lsql -d dbname
all the goodies from the script dir do not appear to be there.
Is there another trigger for this case that runs autoload?
thanx _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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