Thanks very much Stefan!
Does ' configure MonetDB with "--enable-fits" ' mean I have to re-install MonetDB?
If I re-install it, can i still use my current db-farm? I have loaded a large catalog into it for a long time...
------------------ Original ------------------
From: "Stefan Manegold";
Date: Mon, Aug 5, 2013 04:13 PM
To: "Communication channel for MonetDB users";
Subject: Re: How to use Data Vault with FITS files?
Hi Meng,
to get the MonetDB FITS support, you need to have the cfitsio-dev[el] package installed
and you need to configure MonetDB with "--enable-fits".
However, while the respective code is more than 2 years old,
I just realize that there is no (user-)documentation for it,
and so far, support for fits files is only available in MAL,
but not (yet?) in SQL.
Since the original author of that code is no longer with out group,
I currently cannot estimate, when we will have the resources to
make this experimental code user-/production-ready.
If you are familiar with MAL, please have a look at
$ mclient -lmal
Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB interactive terminal (unreleased)
Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands
pattern fits.attach(fname:str):void
address FITSattach;
comment Open a FITS file and return catalog of the table HDUs
pattern fits.export(tablename:str):void
address FITSexportTable;
comment Export a table to a FITS file
command fits.fitstest(filename:str):int
address FITStest;
comment Returns the type of first extension in the FITS file filename
pattern fits.load(tablename:str):void
address FITSloadTable;
comment Load a FITS table from an attached file
pattern fits.listdirpattern(dirname:str,pattern:str):void
address FITSdirpat;
comment Attach all FITS file in the directory, giving a pattern
pattern fits.listdir(dirname:str):void
address FITSdir;
comment Attach all FITS files in the directory
And if you're familiar with the MonetDB code base,
you find the respective code in
----- Original Message -----
Hi all,
Could you give a tutorial of Data vault with FITS files, i searched the and google, but didn't find the step-by-step tutorials.
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