Dear monetdb-users, When installing MonetDB (compile from MonetDB-Aug2008-SuperBall.tar.bz2) we encountered a problem. We had Java JDK installed, but no Internet connection. The monetdb-install.sh script stopped with an error message: fetching MonetDB-java failed! After some investigation we found what the problem might be: In line 209 and following lines the monetdb-install.sh script tests whether a java compiler and ant are present. If present the fetch() procedure tries to get the Java sources from the tarball. Since the Java code is not included in the tarball, fetch() tries to get the Java sources from the Internet, with wget. Since we have no Internet connection this action fails too, and makes it fatal. In other runs with only JRE installed the monetdb-install.sh script did not complain, and just skipped the Java code. Our questions: - Is the Java code deliberately omitted in the source tarball. - Can someone at the CWI fix it: either include the Java code or make the script less dependent on Internet connection. Regards, Hans van Rijswijk Netherlands Forensic Institute Tel: 070-8886638