Dear Philippe, On 10-06-2011 22:02:31 -0700, Philippe Hanrigou wrote:
Hi I spent more time analyzing how the original SIGSEGV occurs. I hope somebody
could help me push the analysis further.
The SIGSEGV is always happening in a DELETE statement:
delete from \"20789445e300fa1e535f3027d5d63dc9_sessions\" where session_start between 1280361600000 and 1280447999999;
and is triggered on line 498 of gdk_setop.mx:
HASHloop@4(ri, r->H->hash, s2, h) {
The problem seems to be with `r->H->hash` whose value is 0x0
I have no idea of where r->H->hash should have been set, or how to
push the investigation further. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have included below a capture of my gdb session which will provide
Please enter this concrete information in a bugreport at http://bugs.monetdb.org/ It is easier working with issues like those from there. Thanks in advance!