On 2006-07-12 03:42, china-davy wrote:
I have installed MonetDB (Operationg system is windows xp) and the ODBC driver.I want to connet the MonetDB server through ODBC driver,so I must do some configuration work,for example the "databasename,username,and so on".But the configuration work is forbidded(When I click the "MonetDB" in the windows ODBC Manager,nothing happned to let me do configure work,and,not error message )?could you tell me why,and,how to confiigure the ODBC?
I have implemented the possibility to configure datasources for the MonetDB ODBC driver. You can download a Windows installer with the new driver from http://homepages.cwi.nl/~sjoerd/downloads/MonetDB-Installer.msi . Since this is based on our development version, it will also contain other changes, but I don't currently know what those changes are. -- Sjoerd Mullender