On 21-10-2007 16:41 Niels Nes wrote:
Could your try with the to be released code, ie run
monetdb-install.sh --enable-sql --enable-optimize --nightly=stable
I get slightly different code, which looks faster.
Its equally slow, and the fast query seems to be ten times slower now (7
secs vs 0.7).
I've attached the new traces. If you like, I can probably get you a copy
of the data off-list, it should be repeatable with only one day of data,
which is 11MB bzip2'ed.
Best regards,
sql>trace select channelid, count(clientip) from pageviews where timestamp between '2007-09-21 00:00:00' and '2007-09-22 00:00:00' group by channelid;
| 2 usec | mdb.setTimer(_2=true) |
| 155 usec | _3:bat[:oid,:timestamp] := sql.bind(_4="sys", _5="pageviews", _6="timestamp", _7=0) |
| 18 usec | _12:bat[:oid,:timestamp] := sql.bind(_4="sys", _5="pageviews", _6="timestamp", _13=1) |
| 17 usec | constraints.emptySet(_12=bat[:oid,:timestamp]{0}) |
| 17 usec | _12:bat[:oid,:timestamp] := nil; |
| 48 usec | _14:bat[:oid,:timestamp] := sql.bind(_4="sys", _5="pageviews", _6="timestamp", _15=2) |
| 16 usec | constraints.emptySet(_14=bat[:oid,:timestamp]{0}) |
| 16 usec | _14:bat[:oid,:timestamp] := nil; |
| 56 usec | _19:bat[:oid,:sht] := sql.bind(_4="sys", _5="pageviews", _20="channelid", _7=0) |
| 17 usec | _26:bat[:oid,:str] := sql.bind(_4="sys", _5="pageviews", _27="clientip", _7=0) |
| 25 usec | _8 := calc.timestamp(A0="2007-09-21 00:00:00") |
| 17 usec | _9 := calc.timestamp(A1="2007-09-22 00:00:00") |
|6112173 | _10 := algebra.uselect(_3=bat[:oid,:timestamp]{55914459}, _8=2007-09-21 00:00:00.000, |
:usec |_9=2007-09-22 00:00:00.000, _11=true, _11=true) |
| 95 usec | _3:bat[:oid,:timestamp] := nil; |
| 29 usec | _17 := algebra.markT(_10=bat[:oid,:oid]{1916813}, _16=0@0) |
| 16 usec | _10 := nil; |
| 17 usec | _18 := bat.reverse(_17=bat[:oid,:oid]{1916813}) |
| 16 usec | _17 := nil; |
| 21040 usec | _21 := algebra.join(_18=<~tmp_1503>bat[:oid,:oid]{1916813}, _19=bat[:oid,:sht]{55914459}) |
| 74147 usec | (ext40,grp38):= group.new(_21=bat[:oid,:sht]{1916813}) |
| 2103 usec | _21 := nil; |
| 43 usec | _24 := bat.mirror(ext40=bat[:oid,:int]{5}) |
| 18 usec | ext40 := nil; |
| 45 usec | _25 := algebra.joinPath(_24=bat[:oid,:oid]{5}, _18=<~tmp_1503>bat[:oid,:oid]{1916813}, |
: |_19=bat[:oid,:sht]{55914459}) |
| 82 usec | _19:bat[:oid,:sht] := nil; |
|1133513 | _28 := algebra.join(_18=<~tmp_1503>bat[:oid,:oid]{1916813}, _26=bat[:oid,:str]{55914459}) |
:usec | |
| 7107 usec | _18 := nil; |
| 39 usec | _26:bat[:oid,:str] := nil; |
| 68945 usec | _29:bat[:oid,:int] := aggr.count_no_nil(_28=bat[:oid,:str]{1916813}, |
: |grp38=bat[:oid,:oid]{1916813}, _24=bat[:oid,:oid]{5}) |
| 25260 usec | _28 := nil; |
| 13018 usec | grp38 := nil; |
| 81 usec | _24 := nil; |
| 21 usec | _30 := sql.resultSet(_15=2, _13=1, _25=bat[:oid,:sht]{5}) |
| 21 usec | sql.rsColumn(_30=3, _32="sys.pageviews", _20="channelid", _33="smallint", _34=16, _7=0, |
: |_25=bat[:oid,:sht]{5}) |
| 16 usec | _25 := nil; |
| 17 usec | sql.rsColumn(_30=3, _32="sys.pageviews", _36="count_no_nil_clientip", _37="int", _38=15, _7=0, |
: |_29=bat[:oid,:int]{5}) |
| 15 usec | _29:bat[:oid,:int] := nil; |
| 0, 538187 |
| 1, 1108478 |
| 4, 42867 |
| 3, 145565 |
| 2, 81716 |
| 47 usec | sql.exportResult(_30=3, _40="") |
|7458996 | user.s31_1(_4="2007-09-21 00:00:00", _5="2007-09-22 00:00:00") |
:usec | |
sql>trace select channelid, count(distinct clientip), count(*)
from pageviews
where timestamp between '2007-09-21 00:00:00' and '2007-09-22 00:00:00'
group by channelid;more>more>more>
|2 usec # mdb.setTimer(_2=true) |
|81 usec # _3:bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|17 usec # _12:bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|16 usec # constraints.emptySet(_12=bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|16 usec # _12:bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|16 usec # _14:bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|15 usec # constraints.emptySet(_14=bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|15 usec # _14:bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|16 usec # _19:bat[:oid |:sht |
|16 usec # _26:bat[:oid |:str |
|22 usec # _8 := calc.timestamp(A0="2007-09-21 00:00:00") |
|16 usec # _9 := calc.timestamp(A1="2007-09-22 00:00:00") |
|5955043 usec # _10 := |:timestamp |
:algebra.uselect(_3=bat[:oid | |
|93 usec # _3:bat[:oid |:timestamp |
|30 usec # _17 := algebra.markT(_10=bat[:oid |:oid |
|15 usec # _10 := nil; |
|17 usec # _18 := bat.reverse(_17=bat[:oid |:oid |
|15 usec # _17 := nil; |
|20933 usec # _21 := |:oid |
:algebra.join(_18=<~tmp_1474>bat[:oid | |
|73434 usec # (ext40 |grp38):= |:sht |
: |group.new(_21=bat[:oid | |
|1997 usec # _21 := nil; |
|43 usec # _24 := bat.mirror(ext40=bat[:oid |:int |
|18 usec # ext40 := nil; |
|42 usec # _25 := |:oid |
:algebra.joinPath(_24=bat[:oid | |
|15 usec # _19:bat[:oid |:sht |
|1088640 usec # _28 := |:oid |
:algebra.join(_18=<~tmp_1474>bat[:oid | |
|6947 usec # _18 := nil; |
|35 usec # _26:bat[:oid |:str |
|221825 usec # (_29 |grp57):= |:oid |
: |group.new(grp38=bat[:oid | |
|1785482734 usec # (_31 |grp59):= |:int |
: |group.derive(_29=bat[:oid | |
|103 usec # _29 := nil; |
|8784 usec # grp57 := nil; |
|15655 usec # _33 := bat.mirror(_31=bat[:oid |:int |
|6746 usec # _31 := nil; |
|141173 usec # _34 := |:str |
:algebra.semijoin(_28=bat[:oid | |
|33831 usec # _28 := nil; |
|2743 usec # _33 := nil; |
|38271 usec # _35:bat[:oid |:int |
|5579 usec # _34 := nil; |
|38047 usec # _36:bat[:oid |:int |
|12848 usec # grp38 := nil; |
|84 usec # _24 := nil; |
|22 usec # _37 := |_13=1 |_25=bat[:oid |:sht |
:sql.resultSet(_38=3 | | | |
|22 usec # |_40="sys.pag |_20="channel |_41="smallin |_42=16 |_7=0 |_25=bat[:oid | |
:(_37=4 | | | | | | | |
|16 usec # _25 := nil; |
|17 usec # |_40="sys.pag |_44="count_n |_45="int" |_46=15 |_7=0 |_35=bat[:oid | |
:(_37=4 | |ip" | | | | | |
|15 usec # _35:bat[:oid |:int |
|17 usec # |_40="sys.pag |_48="count_c |_45="int" |_49=32 |_7=0 |_36=bat[:oid | |
:(_37=4 | | | | | | | |
|15 usec # _36:bat[:oid |:int |
|channelid |count_no_nil_clientip |count_channelid |
| 0 | 77524 | 538187 |
| 1 | 110681 | 1108478 |
| 4 | 20120 | 42867 |
| 3 | 44457 | 145565 |
| 2 | 30274 | 81716 |
|channelid |count_no_nil_clientip |
| 52 usec | _51="") |
:# | |
:sql.expor | |
:tResult(_ | |
:37=4 | |
|179316609 | _5="2007-09-22 |
:8 usec # |00:00:00") |
:user.s32_ | |
:1(_4="200 | |
:7-09-21 | |
:00:00:00" | |