4 Jan
4 Jan
8:02 p.m.
Hi. I've been creating a database from a call to monetdb_sql() from libembeddedsql5.so, from my OCaml binding. After that, I start up a merovingian process and I do the following:
yziquel@seldon:~/git/ocaml-monetdb5$ monetdb status name state uptime health last crash testdb stopped 100%, 49s - yziquel@seldon:~/git/ocaml-monetdb5$ monetdb start testdb starting database 'testdb'... FAILED start: starting 'testdb' failed: cannot start database 'testdb': no .vaultkey found (did you create the database with `monetdb create testdb`?)
I'm quite baffled by the error I just got. What is this .vaultkey problem? All the best, -- Guillaume Yziquel http://yziquel.homelinux.org/