Dear MonetDB users, Our install procedure for MonetDB currently consists of unpacking MonetDB-Aug2008-SuperBall.tar.bz2 and running the monetdb-install.sh script. This takes a long time to complete. We would like to get or create a binary distribution for a Linux system (Ubuntu 8.04 / Fedora). For this, we like to know the following: - Is the Monet binary dependent on the system where it is built? - Can we pack the generated binaries and install them on a different Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) computer? - Can we even install this binary in a different directory? - What external dependencies are used? - Which paths are used and which paths settings are assumed in the binary? In other words: what is necessary for a copied distribution to work correcly on a different computer and/or a different directory as for which it was built. Thanks in advance for your explanatory answer. Regards, Hans van Rijswijk Netherlands Forensic Institute Tel: 070-8886638