we just test the newest edition of monetdb 20120813, we use 4 copy into commmand at the same time.
MonetDB COPY INTO uses a parallel algorithm.
On 8/24/12 6:53 AM, li, xiaohua wrote:
> Hi:
> does anybody know what's the problem with the copy into of locked?
> we want to use concurrent copy into to a table, seems montdb not good
> at this. some body says add locked, we try, but the database crached.
The LOCKED mode is indeed for single user mode, but can be ignored.
Using concurrent COPY INTO into the same table will fail, because
the optimistic concurreny control will allow only one transaction to commit
regards, Martin
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> we just test like this
> copy 200 OFFSET 1 RECORDS into f_activity from 'd:\bcp.txt' USING
> seems need single user mode, but how to set single user mode?
> Lixiaohua
> Shanghai,China
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