Can someone please provide more concrete information on this? Is it known to work?
Say I have a master and two worker nodes.
I have a usr table on master and remote versions of this table on each worker:
sql>select * from usr;
| id | name |
| 1 | kelly |
| 2 | fred |
| 3 | bob |
| 4 | igor |
4 tuples (3.239ms)
I have an activity table that is sharded across the two workers, each remoted to master and a merge table (called activity) combining them. On worker 0:
sql>select * from activity_w0;
| usr_id | what |
| 1 | act1 |
| 3 | act3 |
| 1 | act5 |
| 3 | act8 |
4 tuples (2.331ms)
On worker 1:
sql>select * from activity_w1;
| usr_id | what |
| 2 | act2 |
| 4 | act4 |
| 2 | act6 |
| 4 | act7 |
4 tuples (3.899ms)
So worker 0 has only activity for odd usr ids, worker 1 has only activity for even worker ids. If I perform this query on master:
more> what
more> activity a
more> join usr u on (a.usr_id = more>where
| what |
| act1 |
| act5 |
2 tuples (10.822ms)
I assume that master is pulling back the entire contents of both activity_w0 and activity_w1 because it doesn't know that there is a remote usr table on each worker. It is not clear to me how to set up a replica table on the workers to allow the filtering to be done there rather than at the master.
Is this possible or am I chasing a red herring?