First question has to be: why? Why are you trying to do this? The second thing to remark is that there is a difference (a big difference) between a dynamically loaded *module* (e.g. lib_sql) and a *library* (e.g. libmonetdb5). They are both .dll files on Windows (.so on Linux), but because of the different ways in which they are used, they are not interchangeable. If, for some reason, you need functions from a module, you need to have code that dynamically looks up the address of the functions you want to use. Either using things like dlsym, or by using registration and callback functions. On 26/09/17 18:15, Anton Kravchenko wrote:
Hi there,
I will try to map my issue to something that you are familiar with. For example "MonetDB-11.23.3/sql/backends/monet5/vaults" module.
1) It has Makefile.ag which has (among other lines): lib__vault = { MODULE DIR = libdir/monetdb5 SOURCES = vault.c LIBS = ../../../../monetdb5/tools/libmonetdb5 \ ../../../../gdk/libbat $(curl_LIBS) } And that means that "libmonetdb.la http://libmonetdb.la" has to be created before "vaults" is built.
2) Let's say I have added "../../../../sql/backends/monet5/lib_sql" dependency lib__vault = { MODULE DIR = libdir/monetdb5 SOURCES = vault.c LIBS = ../../../../monetdb5/tools/libmonetdb5 \ * ../../../../sql/backends/monet5/lib_sql \* ../../../../gdk/libbat $(curl_LIBS) }
As you can see "vaults" is leaving inside "MonetDB-11.23.3/sql/backends/monet5" directory.
3) Now my question is: How can one propagate into MonetDB-11.23.3/sql/backends/monet5/Makefile.am that "lib_sql.la http://lib_sql.la" has to be created before "vaults" is built?
p.s. On Windows, there is MonetDB-11.23.3/sql/backends/monet5/Makefile.msc used (instead Makefile.am). And I would just change order in "all-recursive all-msc" to "all-msc all-recursive": # build-all: $(BUILT_SOURCES) all-recursive all-msc build-all: $(BUILT_SOURCES) all-msc all-recursive
Thank you, Anton
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