I'm guessing that this was meant to be "SMALLINT". From: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/SQL/Documentation/SQL-Features.html Feature ID Feature name S/N B011-B017 Embedded Language support. Core SQL:1999 says that at least one of Embedded Ada, Embedded C, Embedded Cobol, Embedded Fortran, Embedded MUMPS, Embedded Pascal or Embedded PL/I 1 should be supported. N E011 Numeric data types (FULL support) S E011-01 INTEGER and SMELLIEST data types ^^^^^^^^^ I know I read that page before, funny I never noticed that. (I have to admit, I did check the standard just to make sure it wasn't in there and I had just missed it all these years.) I have seen a few database tables that had some really stinky data types, but I'm glad I never came across one that contained the smelliest. :-) Steve