
Sorry for the inconvenience, and thaks for reporting!

Please file a bug report via bugs.monetdb.org .


On September 30, 2015 12:55:18 PM CEST, Constantine Feng <fxlj007@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

I am trying to bulk load the TPC-DS database benchmark into MonetDB.
One of the data file "customer.csv" contains data in this format:

27|AAAAAAAALBAAAAAA|111621|835|16096|2450611|2450581|Dr.|Shawn|Prather|N|7|3|1972|PUERTO RICO||Shawn.Prather@8BusRYegn6.org|2452353
28|AAAAAAAAMBAAAAAA|889961|897|183480|2452615|2452585|Miss|Edith|Hernandez|Y|17|8|1959|CÔTE D'IVOIRE||Edith.Hernandez@BNHL0k.com|2452631

Note in the second row, there is a string attribute containing a single quote.

And I use the below command to load it:

COPY INTO customer from 'path/to/customer.csv' USING DELIMITERS '|','\n' NULL AS '';

I have two machines with two installations: 

one installed last year via Ubuntu apt-get, "monetdb version" shows "MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.1 (Jan2014-SP2)"

the other recently follows the instructions here: https://www.monetdb.org/downloads/deb/  (Ubuntu), "MonetDB Database Server Toolkit v1.1 (Jul2015)"

Somehow the loading succeeded in the former but failed in the latter. Is it due to some version difference? How can I fix it?

Error: field 15 expecting varchar(15) 'CÔTE D'IVOIRE'

Thanks in advance.

- Neo

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