4 Dec
4 Dec
8:24 a.m.
On 03-12-2007 16:29:35 -0700, m h wrote:
In Oracle I can do the following:
select * from table where timestampcol BETWEEN to_date('01/01/07', 'MM/DD/RR') AND to_date('12/31'/07'), 'MM/DD/RR')
It's not clear that this is possible in monetdb.
There's the EXTRACT function which pulls a numeric value (month, day or year) from a string representing a timestamp, but I can't see how to get a timestamp/date object out?
Given you do a BETWEEN it looks like you want numeric values, so something like EXTRACT epoch FROM sometimestamp. I believe we could also compare timestamps so maybe BETWEEN just works here. You can "cast" strings to a time/date/timestamp by using SQL99 notation timestamp '2007-12-04 09:22:02'