Our application includes multiple services that independently connect to the database. When each service connects it reads the database metadata to discover the column names, many services may start at about the same time. We are getting the following error: java.sql.SQLException: TypeException:user.s7172_2[262]:'io.stdout' undefined in: _416:any MALException:opt.remap:no implementation present at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetConnection$ResponseList.executeQuery(MonetConnection.java:2058) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetConnection$ResponseList.processQuery(MonetConnection.java:1808) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetStatement.internalExecute(MonetStatement.java:371) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetStatement.execute(MonetStatement.java:340) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetStatement.executeQuery(MonetStatement.java:404) at nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo(MonetDatabaseMetaData.java:2454) # check status of database /monetdb status name state uptime crashes BUSINESS running 1d 1h 40m 38s 3 2008-04-22 11:23:59 # try a query using mclient running on the same machine as the database ./mclient -dBUSINESS -umonetdb -Pmonetdb -lsql sql>select * from tables; !TypeException:user.s5301_3[130]:'io.stdout' undefined in: _193:any sql>select * from schemas; !TypeException:user.s5302_3[40]:'io.stdout' undefined in: _63:any sql>select * from columns; !TypeException:user.s5303_3[146]:'io.stdout' undefined in: _210:any sql>\q; When we stop and restart the merovingian demon, the problem goes away, but may reoccur the next time we try and start multiple services in short succession. Environment MonetDB MSG merovingian[12454]: starting database 'BUSINESS', up min/avg/max: 121/43165/92925, crash average: 0.00 0.30 0.10 (7-4=3) MSG BUSINESS[12459]: executing '/monetdb/bin/mserver5' for database 'BUSINESS' MSG BUSINESS[12459]: # MonetDB server v5.5.0, based on kernel v1.23.0 MSG BUSINESS[12459]: # Serving database 'BUSINESS' MSG BUSINESS[12459]: # Compiled for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/64bit with 64bit OIDs dynamically linked JDBC Driver 1.7 (Canephora_p2 20080418 based on MCL v1.3)